HorseWatch - Optimal start for young horses

Photo: Kirsch/ATB


Partner institutions in the HorseWatch research network

  • Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy Potsdam 

  • Graf Lehndorff Institute for Equine Science at Neustadt (Dosse) 

  • Institute of Movement and Training Science, University of Leipzig 

  • Insitute of Animal Welfare, Animal Behavior and Laboratory Animal Science, School of Veterinary Medicine, Freie Universität Berlin 

  • Veterinary Clinic Wusterhausen (Dosse) 

  • Sachverständigen-Kuratorium e.V.

The HorseWatch project is accompanied by an expert committee from umbrella organizations of German equestrian sports (German Equestrian Federation (Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung e.V.), German Racing (Deutscher Galopp e.V.) and German Trotting Association (Hauptverband für Traberzucht e.V.)), the State Animal Welfare Officer (Landestierschutzbeauftragte) of Brandenburg and the horse breeding industry.

Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy

The Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) has long been working with methods for recording stress and animal welfare in livestock, including dairy cows. Methodological approaches such as sensor-based data acquisition and animal-specific analysis are used in the HorseWatch project.

Graf Lehndorff-Institut, Neustadt (Dosse)

The Graf Lehndorff Institute (GLI) is an inter-institutional research facility of the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, which is operated jointly with the Brandenburg State Studs Neustadt (Dosse) and utilizes the resources of both institutions. Research focuses on the areas of breeding/reproduction, husbandry, training, animal welfare and equine health.

Institut für Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft, Universität Leipzig

The Institute of Movement and Training Science focuses on training science, performance diagnostics and metabolic and adaptation physiology in the biological-human-physiological field.

Institute of Animal Welfare, Animal Behavior and Laboratory Animal Science, Freie Universität Berlin

Institute of Animal Welfare, Animal Behavior and Laboratory Animal Science at Freie Universität Berlin is part of the School of Veterinary Medicine. The Institute's research focuses on refinement and replacement, animal behaviour and animal welfare.

Tierklinik Wusterhausen

Specialist veterinary practice for horses Dr. Michael Köhler

Specialist veterinary practice for horses, Dr. Michael Köhler

Dr. Michael Köhler is head of the Veterinary Clinic Wusterhausen, an FEI and racecourse veterinarian and long-time care veterinarian of the Brandenburg State Studs, Neustadt (Dosse). He is also a specialist veterinarian for horses and surgery, a member of the Equine Committee of the German Veterinary Association and Chairman of the Equine Working Group of the Brandenburg Animal Welfare Plan.

The clinic has long focused on the treatment of orthopedic issues. Due to its location in a breeding region and the close cooperation with the Brandenburg State Studs, the clinic has much experience with young horses on their way to sporting use. In the work on the HorseWatch research project, the focus lies particularly on equine welfare.

SVK-Sachverständigenkuratorium e.V.